*Le contenu de cette page n’est pas encore disponible en français. Veuillez accepter nos excuses. Nous espérons vous offrir plus de matériel en français dès que possible. Like other communities in Canada, Saanich was deeply affected by World War One. Through military service, nursing, public fundraising and private support, residents of Saanich contributed to the country’s and community’s war efforts. Many families lost loved ones overseas, enduring profound grief and economic hardship long after the war ended. Saanich Archives is looking for your help to complete the municipality’s World War One Honour Roll and add to our records for 1914-1918. If you have documents, photographs, letters or diaries of Saanich residents who served in the First World War, please contact us by email at archives@saanich.ca or by phone at 250-475-1775 ext. 3478.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Saanich WWI Honour Roll lists 355 men and women from Saanich who served in the First World War but we believe there are many names missing. The goal of our project is to complete the Honour Roll and to learn more about each individual and the sacrifices they made. You can get involved by:
- Providing photographs or other information on a Saanich WWI Veteran
- Researching one of the names from the Saanich Honour Roll ( jpg) (pdf)
Contact Caroline Duncan at Saanich Archives by email archives@saanich.ca or phone 250-475-1775 ext. 3478 if you would like to help SAANICH ARCHIVES 3100 Tillicum Road Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V9A 6T2 Tel: 250-475-1775 Email: archives@saanich.ca Web: http://saanicharchives.ca