The following pages provide teachers with information on how to use A City Goes to War in their classrooms, explanations of how we have dovetailed the site and its assignments to the existing curriculum, anticipated changes to the curriculum, as well as philosophical discussions about teaching methodologies advocated by A City Goes to War.

A City Goes to War assumes teachers have already introduced their students to the First World War. There is; however, a wide variety of material on the historical context of the War under “Canada at War” and there is material specific to Victoria under “Cities” > “Victoria at War”. We have also provided a variety of links to external websites that provide good introductions to many different topics.

It is our belief that only you know how best to teach your students. We have provided a guide to completing the “Identity Assignment”LINK but it is meant only as a suggested way to approach the assignment. There are also several smaller assignments meant to introduce students to a variety of historiographical issues that can be completed in tandem with the larger Identity Assignment or on their own.

The guide provides a suggested logical path to lead students to more and more complex historical thought processes while actually ‘doing’ history.

If you have any question on how to use this site or any technical issues please contact Jim Kempling