All of these archives have material about Victoria during the Great War, and would be happy to have you look at their collection. You can find contact information on their website regarding appointments and hours of operation.
Archives of the Anglican Diocese of British Columbia
BC Archives
Brentwood College School Archives
City of Victoria Archives
Esquimalt Archives
Glenlyon-Norfolk School Archives
Greater Victoria School District Archives
Museum of the 5th (BC) Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery
Oak Bay Archives
Oak Bay High School Archive
Quadra Elementary School
Saanich Municipal Archives
Sannich Pioneer Society Archives
Saanich Police Historical Society
Sidney Museum and Archives
Sisters of St. Ann’s Archives
St. Michaels University School Archives
The George Jay Elementary School
Royal Jubilee Hospital School of Nursing Archives
University of Victoria Archives and Special Collections
Victoria High School Archives
Victoria Police Museum and Archives
View Royal Community Archives